
Exercise During Period: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Periods can be challenging, with symptoms like cramps, fatigue, and mood swings making daily tasks feel overwhelming. With this being said, exercise is a powerful tool to manage these...
Exercise During Period: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Periods can be challenging, with symptoms like cramps, fatigue, and mood swings making daily tasks feel overwhelming. With this being said, exercise is a powerful tool to

Period Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Relief Solutions
For millions of people, period pain is an inevitable part of their monthly routine. While some experience only mild discomfort, others endure severe cramps and related symptoms that disrupt work,...
Period Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Relief Solutions
For millions of people, period pain is an inevitable part of their monthly routine. While some experience only mild discomfort, others endure severe cramps and related symptoms that

Dysmenorrhea: Understanding Menstrual Cramps, Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Relief Solutions
If youâve been through it yourself you may know, menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, can range from mild discomfort to extreme period pain that disrupts daily activities. Dysmenorrhea, is a condition...
Dysmenorrhea: Understanding Menstrual Cramps, Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Relief Solutions
If youâve been through it yourself you may know, menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, can range from mild discomfort to extreme period pain that disrupts daily activities. Dysmenorrhea, is

The Triad of Relief: Sleep, Exercise, and Diet in Managing Period Pain
For countless women worldwide, period pain is an unwelcome guest that disrupts daily routines, moods, and overall well-being. While various relief methods are sought, often, the most holistic approaches rooted...
The Triad of Relief: Sleep, Exercise, and Diet in Managing Period Pain
For countless women worldwide, period pain is an unwelcome guest that disrupts daily routines, moods, and overall well-being. While various relief methods are sought, often, the most holistic

5 Ways to Incorporate Livia into Your Daily Routine
The mere mention of menstrual pain conjures up memories of discomfort, missed opportunities, and disrupted schedules for many women. With Livia, this narrative changes, ushering in a revolution that transcends...
5 Ways to Incorporate Livia into Your Daily Routine
The mere mention of menstrual pain conjures up memories of discomfort, missed opportunities, and disrupted schedules for many women. With Livia, this narrative changes, ushering in a revolution

A Guide to Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
For many women, the menstrual cycle remains a monthly enigma, a series of symptoms and changes with an often unpredictable schedule. However, understanding the intricacies of this cycle can be...
A Guide to Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
For many women, the menstrual cycle remains a monthly enigma, a series of symptoms and changes with an often unpredictable schedule. However, understanding the intricacies of this cycle

Personal Stories: The Livia Experience Through Real Womenâs Voices
There's a unique power in personal stories. They move beyond statistics and clinical facts to touch our hearts and speak to our shared human experience. Today, we're shedding light on...
Personal Stories: The Livia Experience Through Real Womenâs Voices
There's a unique power in personal stories. They move beyond statistics and clinical facts to touch our hearts and speak to our shared human experience. Today, we're shedding

Livia vs. Traditional Pain Relievers: A New Era of Menstrual Pain Management
Period pain, an age-old discomfort endured by countless women, has traditionally been managed with the aid of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. While these medications have offered relief for many, the...
Livia vs. Traditional Pain Relievers: A New Era of Menstrual Pain Management
Period pain, an age-old discomfort endured by countless women, has traditionally been managed with the aid of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. While these medications have offered relief for

Empowerment through Understanding: The Gate Control Theory and U.S. Women Taking Control of Period Pain
In the 21st century, empowerment is not just about gaining rights or challenging norms; it's about understanding and taking control of one's own body. For many U.S. women, monthly menstrual...
Empowerment through Understanding: The Gate Control Theory and U.S. Women Taking Control of Period Pain
In the 21st century, empowerment is not just about gaining rights or challenging norms; it's about understanding and taking control of one's own body. For many U.S. women,

8 Ways You Can Support Your Partner During That Time Of The Month
Whether you are someone who experiences periods or not, at some point in your life you are likely to have a partner (or friend) who is going through menstruation. Our...
8 Ways You Can Support Your Partner During That Time Of The Month
Whether you are someone who experiences periods or not, at some point in your life you are likely to have a partner (or friend) who is going through

5 Reasons Why We Should Talk About Periods at Work and School
The following post is a guest blog post written by our friends at Natracare. Across the globe, people with periods have been conditioned to feel shame about their menstruation. In fact,...
5 Reasons Why We Should Talk About Periods at Work and School
The following post is a guest blog post written by our friends at Natracare. Across the globe, people with periods have been conditioned to feel shame about their menstruation.

You Can Be a Champion Even During Your Period
In females, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are responsible for maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle and they ultimately have an influence on athletic performance. Estrogen secretion naturally varies in...
You Can Be a Champion Even During Your Period
In females, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are responsible for maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle and they ultimately have an influence on athletic performance. Estrogen secretion naturally

6 Books That Explore The Power Of Menstruation
Periods are a powerful, sacred thing that a large amount of the world experiences. Despite this, there is unfortunately a serious lack of resources that promote menstruation and donât present...
6 Books That Explore The Power Of Menstruation
Periods are a powerful, sacred thing that a large amount of the world experiences. Despite this, there is unfortunately a serious lack of resources that promote menstruation and

Give In To The Cravings: Our Guilt-Free Guide To Period Snacks
I know exactly when I am about to get my periods. Right before that time of the month rolls around my cravings go haywire, as I find myself consuming anything...
Give In To The Cravings: Our Guilt-Free Guide To Period Snacks
I know exactly when I am about to get my periods. Right before that time of the month rolls around my cravings go haywire, as I find myself

How Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affect Your Period?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects women all around the world. In the US alone, it has affected up to 5 million women of reproductive age. This common hormonal...
How Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affect Your Period?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects women all around the world. In the US alone, it has affected up to 5 million women of reproductive age. This

How to Relieve The Stress of Travelling on Your Period
Youâve got your dream holiday booked; accommodation paid for and your bags are ready for a week of jam-packed activities in your ideal location. Then the worst happens â the...
How to Relieve The Stress of Travelling on Your Period
Youâve got your dream holiday booked; accommodation paid for and your bags are ready for a week of jam-packed activities in your ideal location. Then the worst happens

6 Period Positive Movies to Watch
Periods, the rag, that time of the month, Aunt Flo. Whatever you prefer to call it, a large percentage of the world experiences menstruation, and yet, it is a topic...
6 Period Positive Movies to Watch
Periods, the rag, that time of the month, Aunt Flo. Whatever you prefer to call it, a large percentage of the world experiences menstruation, and yet, it is

I would not want to be a uterus.
I just love Halloween. I start in August every year, thinking about what my original theme costume will be all about. This year all I will be doing is dreaming...
I would not want to be a uterus.
I just love Halloween. I start in August every year, thinking about what my original theme costume will be all about. This year all I will be doing

We Answer 7 Things That Men Are All Dying to Ask You About Menstruation
Despite being 2019, the age of technological advancements and growing social awareness, there is still an incredible divide between the sexes, with certain topics being weirdly off limits to a...
We Answer 7 Things That Men Are All Dying to Ask You About Menstruation
Despite being 2019, the age of technological advancements and growing social awareness, there is still an incredible divide between the sexes, with certain topics being weirdly off limits

9 Reasons That You Might Miss Your Period (Other Than Pregnancy)
The reproductive system is a miraculous thing. It is an organism that comes alive every month for the majority of people that experience a cycle. Even more incredible than the...
9 Reasons That You Might Miss Your Period (Other Than Pregnancy)
The reproductive system is a miraculous thing. It is an organism that comes alive every month for the majority of people that experience a cycle. Even more incredible

Your Cycle, Your Period and Your Diet
Cycle syncing is a great way to gain a better understanding of how your body reacts to its different stages and hormones and how to work around the PMS and...
Your Cycle, Your Period and Your Diet
Cycle syncing is a great way to gain a better understanding of how your body reacts to its different stages and hormones and how to work around the

Shame Free Sisterhood: The Story of My First Period
I was 13 when I got my first period. I recall feeling weirdly sick that day at school â nausea that I had never experienced before â and then coming...
Shame Free Sisterhood: The Story of My First Period
I was 13 when I got my first period. I recall feeling weirdly sick that day at school â nausea that I had never experienced before â and

Your Period and the Pandemic
Covid 19 has completely disrupted our lives. From distancing us from our family and friends, from keeping us away from our hobbies, the gym, traveling and partying. OMG how our...
Your Period and the Pandemic
Covid 19 has completely disrupted our lives. From distancing us from our family and friends, from keeping us away from our hobbies, the gym, traveling and partying. OMG

Halloween Dress Up for a Day
As Halloween is around the corner, I thought it might be interesting to have a look at who, we as women, would like to emulate and maybe dress up as...
Halloween Dress Up for a Day
As Halloween is around the corner, I thought it might be interesting to have a look at who, we as women, would like to emulate and maybe dress

From Taboo To Celebrated: How Periods Are Perceived Around The World
Periods. Ew, gross. Heard that before? You would think that periods would be seen as the most normal thing ever, considering that half the worldâs population experience them. Despite the...
From Taboo To Celebrated: How Periods Are Perceived Around The World
Periods. Ew, gross. Heard that before? You would think that periods would be seen as the most normal thing ever, considering that half the worldâs population experience them.

What It Could Mean When You Bleed In Between Your Period
Caught some blood in your underwear, but youâre still two weeks away from your period? Donât panic, this can be normal. Light bleeding in the middle of your cycle or...
What It Could Mean When You Bleed In Between Your Period
Caught some blood in your underwear, but youâre still two weeks away from your period? Donât panic, this can be normal. Light bleeding in the middle of your